Watching your child attend high school is an entirely different experience from watching them attend elementary school or even junior high. Not only is your child only a few years away from entering the real world as an adult, but there can be more academic and social pressures than in their earlier years.
As a parent, you only want what’s best for your child. If you have a child in high school, the following ideas can help you support their academic performance during their high school years:
- Get involved in the school and know what is going on as much as possible. And this doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult. Simply attending back-to-school nights and parent-teacher conferences is a great place to start.
- Learn more about the school and basic information about it. For example, learn about the school’s schedule, testing dates, special events and dances, your student’s grades and missing assignments, and other pertinent information.
- During high school, your child’s homework load will be at its heaviest. Find out how you can support your child with this responsibility so that they can protect their grades and learning at school.
- While you may have less control over this than you used to, send your teen to high school in the morning ready to learn. Make sure they have nutritious breakfast options available and do what you can to ensure they are getting enough quality sleep at night.