Our Fine Arts program offers opportunities in vocal and instrumental music, drama, art, and speech. Ensembles and choirs are used to develop group and individual skills. Piano and voice lessons are also available. TCS students participate in music, art, creative writing, and other fine arts competitions in community, regional, state, and national contests.
Conqueror Sports League
The CSL provides elementary-age kids in our community with an opportunity to honor God, develop character, and build teamwork through sports. Our middle & high school students also have the privilege of assisting in this effort.
Student-led Prayer Meeting
Each morning in the school week at 7:30, some of our students gather to pray for the needs of our school family and surrounding communities.
Food Drive
Every school year, as Thanksgiving approaches, our high school students take the lead in organizing a food drive to collect non-perishable items for distribution to those in need.