Three Myths About Putting Your Child in a Local Christian School

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You want what’s best for your child’s future and their education, which is why you have considered enrolling them in our local Christian school. At the same time, you have hesitations about finalizing your decision because of some of the myths you’ve heard about Christian school. Here are some of the most common myths we hear about local Christian schools and why they aren’t true.

Three Myths About Putting Your Child in a Local Christian School

  1. Your child won’t be ready for the real world—Many feel that if they put their child in a local Christian school, they would be essentially putting them into a bubble, shielding them from the harshness of the real world. However, you can’t completely eliminate the influences of the outside world, no matter where you put your child in school. Our school teaches children to be resilient in the face of adversity and identify situations that do not align with their values.
  2. Christian school is only about learning from the Bible—Some believe that when they put their child in a local Christian school, their child’s academics will suffer. However, we maintain rigorous educational standards and hire experienced, highly trained teachers who uphold our commitment to quality education and instruction.
  3. Christian school is only for the financially elite—If you are like many parents, you may worry about how you would pay to put your child in a local Christian school. We keep our tuition rates manageable and offer many financial assistance programs to families that want to put their child in our school.